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The 2018 FIM and FIME dates have been announced.
FIME Dates
Semi-Final 1 - To be announced
Semi-Final 2 - 22nd April - Swingfield, UK
Final - 7th July - Tayac, France
FIM Dates
Round 1 - 9th/10th May - Herxheim, Germany
Round 2 - 16th June - La Réole, France
Round 3 - 15th July - Roden, The Netherlands
Round 4 - 19th August - Eenrum, The Netherlands
Round 5 - 30th September - Mühldorf, Germany
Team Longtrack - 1st September - Morizes, France
The date for the ACU British Masters has also been announced. It will be held by Cheshire Grasstrack Club, 12th August.
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